Monday, January 16, 2012

The Few, the Proud, The Governors of Texas who would be President (or unfortunately were President).

"W" on waterboarding "The lawyer said it was legal."

Rick Perry on the desecration of Taliban corpses "what is really disturbing to me is just, kind of, the over-the-top rhetoric from this administration and their disdain for the military'" and ".. to call it a criminal act, I think, is over the top."

1) If American corpses had been urinated on, what do you think Rick's response as President would have been? Pretty safe bet that there would have been a whole lot more "over-the-top rhetoric" than there was in this case.

2) Rick, The US is a signatory of the Geneva Convention, which is clear with regard to despoiling the dead. Obviously, urinating on corpses is in violation of the Convention, not to mention in violation of common sense and humanity.

3) Most importantly, Perry's comments make it clear that he is not prepared nor capable of being President. Idiotic comments such as his can only harm this country. There is a reason that the world views post "W" America as it does. Time to try and fix that perception, not make it worse.

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