Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And you thought "W" was bad. On one hand we should all hope Santorum gains momentum and wins the Republican nomination, on the other hand be careful what you wish for.

According to Rick "Every American should have access to high-quality, affordable health care, with health care decisions made by patients and their physicians, " EXCEPT Rick is rabidly anti choice. 

According to his web site "Senator Santorum fights to preserve this tradition [hunting and fishing], and will work to ensure these rights are not infringed upon." Hey Rick, when was the last time anyone last went fishing with a hand gun or a 55 caliber semi automatic sniper rifle.

His web site promotes "Reining in Spending and Reforming Government Entitlements for Sustainable and Better Solutions for America’s Families and Future" Wasn't Rick a big supporter of the "Bridge to Nowhere?" Yeah, Rick explains in an interview today “Your role as a member of Congress, if you look at the Constitution, is to appropriate money." Huh?

Also on his web site "As a husband and father, Rick Santorum knows the importance of protecting and providing for your family." Among the specific suggestions he has for protecting YOUR family "stop tax-payer funding or promotion of abortion overseas" "Defend the Defense of Marriage Act" "Ban military chaplains from performing same sex marriage ceremonies" "Veto any bill or budget that funds abortion or funds any organization that performs abortions including Planned Parenthood" "Call on Congress to reinstitute Don't Ask/Don't Tell"

And on and on. Hey Rick, why are you so bigoted?

So, do we hope Rick wins the nomination because no country would be crazy enough to elect this clown or do we dread the possibility of this clown winning the nomination because this country is just crazy enough to elect him??

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