Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The apple doesn't fall far from the political tree.

Federal, state and now local. It is really pathetic to see the vulgar, negative, mean spirited garbage that has trickled down the Republican Party and has now infected the Sherman Republican Town Committee.

George Linkletter spent over 8 years spewing animosity, partisanship and self pity (and could not even carry his own party in past elections). One would however have hoped that after playing Svengali and actually winning an election, he would not be a "poor winner." Oops, guess again, that is not how his (presumed) heroes Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, or "W" would act, so why should he or the Sherman Republican Town Committee act like gentlemen? The RTC's endless litany of nastiness in publications, messages and on their FB page is beyond any imaginable norms of civility.

SRTC, quit the crap, get over it and work for Sherman. What happened to "Together for Sherman?" Get back to us in 2 years. If you have actually accomplished anything and/or done good work for our town, then and only then can you claim success and feel whatever measure of superiority you need to feel. Until then, try less talking and more walking.

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