Thursday, December 22, 2011

The NY Times style is to include a complete summary of a story in the first paragraph and today's story about extending the payroll tax cut is (unfortunately) no exception.

Unfortunately, because the story is more about the right wing devastation of the entire political system than it is about the tax cut.

"Bowing under intense pressure from members of their own party to end the politically damaging impasse over a payroll tax holiday, House Republican leaders agreed Thursday to accept a temporary extension of the tax cut, beating a hasty retreat from a showdown that Republicans increasingly saw as a threat to their election opportunities next year."

Couldn't have said it better. All the Republican party seems to care about is getting themselves reelected, their alleged desire to serve the people is just a hoax.
Senator Mitch McConnell proposed that the House pass an extension while Senate Democrats commit to forming a negotiating committee to reach a long-term agreement.

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