Friday, December 16, 2011

I hate to go all serious, but he time has come. I watched the republican debate last night and every last one of them is crazy as batshit (I don't have a clue what that expression really means, but it works for these assholes)

First thing zany newt would do is shut half the courts (he says, hell we don't need them anyway and he doesn't like their rulings.) Then he would end every single abortion, "de-fund" Planned Parenthood" and use the money to promote adoption.

First thing bumbling Perry would do is send the congress home and cut their salaries. According to him, we don't need them and the congress should be a part time job. Second thing he would do would be to enlarge the military, because that is what the American people "want"

First thing Romney would do is change his mind over what the first thing he would do would be. The second thing he would do would be deny that he changed it in the first place except when he was saying that he had changed because he had matured. The third thing he would do would be to find out the best way to get reelected 4 years later and then he would actually do that thing. He now says that because he has matured he believes that all abortions are wrong and that even using an embryo for research is killing.

First thing Bachman would do, well lets not even think about that one.

Oh yeah and all of the candidates think Alito is a great supreme court justice, does anyone need to hear more than that?

Bottom line, whether you agree or disagree with their political positions, it seems impossible not to see that every one of them would destroy anything that "w" bush has not already destroyed. This group of candidates is bigoted, biased, radical, extreme, intolerant, homophobic, and, and, and.

Tell your friends, give your financial support, get ready for a war of morals next year. The morals of real Americans who support the Constitution, who believe in equality in all areas, who believe in protecting those less able to protect themselves (the Democrats) and the elitist, bigoted, reactionary, self-serving, religious zealots, radical right (the republicans.) bush's 8 years in office devastated the constitution, one more run at the judiciary by any of the republican class of 2012 spells doom for us all.

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