Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I guess that compassion thing was all a mistake.

For years the Republican party has touted itself as being the party of compassion. Reading today's NY Times one might think this was, at best, only true for "real Americans." Below is a link to an article about illegal immigrants being denied kidney transplants based on their immigration status. According to the article, it was estimated that non-citizens donated 2.5% of organs and received fewer than 1%. Pragmatically, a one time transplant costs much less than year after year of dialysis, which is available to illegal immigrants. It was disgusting to read a quote regarding illegal aliens and organ donation from Republican Representative Dana Roharbacher, "If they're dead, I don't have an objection to their organs being used, if they're alive, they shouldn't be here no matter what." Nice compassion, Mr. R. you win the ugly American of the day prize.

We need comprehensive policy changes in immigration, this is yet another area with which I disagree with the Republicans about but I would have hoped that some modicum of humanity would have prevailed over bigotry. Nah.....

Just one more example of the biased, bigoted radical right.

Tell your friend, keep hope alive.
Two brothers’ journey to make a kidney transplant happen has taken them to the core of the national impasse between health care and immigration policies.

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