Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let's forget party affiliation for a minute.

If I were a woman (50% of the population) I could not vote for any of the current Republican presidential hopefuls. If I were Hispanic (16.3%), African American (12.6%), Asian ( 4.8%) I cannot imagine voting for any of them. If I were gay (3.5%) I certainly could not vote for any of them. If I were under 40 (50%) I would not vote for any of them. If I made less than $100,000/year (84%), there is no way I could vote for any of them.

Who is left that could possibly think that the Republicans are looking out for them? White, straight, males, over 40, making over $100,000/year.

What is the draw that the Republican party has figured out and how have they conned so many Americans?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Newt Gingrich's campaign has repeatedly insisted his first wife, Jackie Battley Gingrich, and not he, sought the breakup. But Carroll County, Ga., court documents cited Monday by CNN indicate it was Newt Gingrich who filed for divorce.

Time to backpedal.

Gingrich campaign spokesman R.C. Hammond told CNN in an e-mail "Carroll County Georgia court documents accurately show Newt Gingrich filed for a divorce from his wife Jackie Battley, but it was Jackie Battley who requested the divorce,"

But what about the facts?

Battley's wrote to a judge asking the court to block the action because she, the defendant, "does not admit that this marriage is irretrievably broken. Her petition further includes "Defendant shows that she has adequate and ample grounds for divorce, but that she does not desire one at this time."


Gingrich has admitted he made unspecified personal judgment errors in his life and has sought God's forgiveness.

So what does this have to do with his qualifications for being President? he is allowed to be married multiple times, he is allowed to have multiple affairs, he is allowed to make himself feel better by seeking "god's forgiveness." What is unacceptable, at least to me, is his then claiming moral superiority and claiming knowledge of what everyone else should be required to do (or not be allowed to do.)

Hey Newt, I don't need your help in choosing my own moral compass. Thanks anyway,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Let's go local for once.

<State> "Senator Michael McLachlan endorses Linda McMahon for Senate."

Anyone in CT knows who these 2 dimwits are. For those of you outside CT, McLachman and McMachon are our local versions of the Republican presidential candidates.

McLachlan still believes that Obama was not born in the US, he is rabidly anti choice and anti-immigrant. McMahon wants to make it easier to drill for oil in Alaska/the Gulf etc. She wants to cut taxes on the rich because she believes that "investors and entrepreneurs are holding onto their money" because "They can’t plan ahead because nobody knows how many more taxes, mandates, rules or liabilities the federal government is going to lay on them."

Ay yi yi, think global act local. Lets get rid of McLachlan and make sure Linda stays right where she belongs, running professional wrestling.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Several people have called my recent FB statuses "rants" against Republicans. 

They are NOT rants against Republicans, they are rants against stupidity and bigotry. 

If a Democratic presidential candidate calls for the end of all abortions including abortions that might save a woman's life, I'll rant against that stupidity. 

If a Democratic presidential candidate raises his hand and says he only believes in creationism, I'll rant against that stupidity.

If a Democratic presidential candidate says there is no such thing as global warming, I'll rant against that stupidity.

If a Democratic presidential candidate issues threat after threat of shutting down the Government to achieve petty selfish goals, I'll rant against that stupidity.

If a Democratic presidential candidate uses vulgarities and throws himself on the bible for justification of bias against gays, I'll rant against that stupidity.

If a Democratic presidential candidate is a habitual womanizer but still claims to be the leader in pushing for moral causes, I'll rant against that stupidity.

If a Democratic presidential candidate claims that if elected, he can and will just shut down Federal Courts and fire judges he disagrees with, I'll rant against that stupidity.

If a Democratic presidential candidate thinks that just cutting taxes for the wealthiest will cut our federal deficit, I'll rant against that stupidity.

I could go on and on, but the current group of presidential candidates from the Republican party deserve all the scorn and "rants" I can come up with. It ain't because they are Republicans, it is because what the claim to believe in is diametrically opposed to everything I hope for for the future of this country and for the well being and safety of my children.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Maybe things are looking up.

Since his inauguration, President Obama has been a huge disappointment. Perhaps this is only due to his lack of experience with the hardball politics of Washington and the extreme lengths that the radical right is willing to go to damage him, but his lack of leadership and his incredible lack of skills as Negotiator in Chief have badly damaged the country and hurt his chances of reelection.

Hopefully the last couple of days will mark a turning point. For once Obama stood toe to toe with the right and did not allow their disruptive abuse of the system to win. Republican petty threats and gamesmanship over extending the Payroll Tax cuts were just another attempt by them to abuse the real needs of the people in an attempt to further their personal political goals. There is no way to negotiate with Boehner or the rest of the fringe right other than to just say no. Not backing down and not allowing the Republicans to play their games should give Obama well earned momentum.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The NY Times style is to include a complete summary of a story in the first paragraph and today's story about extending the payroll tax cut is (unfortunately) no exception.

Unfortunately, because the story is more about the right wing devastation of the entire political system than it is about the tax cut.

"Bowing under intense pressure from members of their own party to end the politically damaging impasse over a payroll tax holiday, House Republican leaders agreed Thursday to accept a temporary extension of the tax cut, beating a hasty retreat from a showdown that Republicans increasingly saw as a threat to their election opportunities next year."

Couldn't have said it better. All the Republican party seems to care about is getting themselves reelected, their alleged desire to serve the people is just a hoax.
Senator Mitch McConnell proposed that the House pass an extension while Senate Democrats commit to forming a negotiating committee to reach a long-term agreement.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I guess that compassion thing was all a mistake.

For years the Republican party has touted itself as being the party of compassion. Reading today's NY Times one might think this was, at best, only true for "real Americans." Below is a link to an article about illegal immigrants being denied kidney transplants based on their immigration status. According to the article, it was estimated that non-citizens donated 2.5% of organs and received fewer than 1%. Pragmatically, a one time transplant costs much less than year after year of dialysis, which is available to illegal immigrants. It was disgusting to read a quote regarding illegal aliens and organ donation from Republican Representative Dana Roharbacher, "If they're dead, I don't have an objection to their organs being used, if they're alive, they shouldn't be here no matter what." Nice compassion, Mr. R. you win the ugly American of the day prize.

We need comprehensive policy changes in immigration, this is yet another area with which I disagree with the Republicans about but I would have hoped that some modicum of humanity would have prevailed over bigotry. Nah.....

Just one more example of the biased, bigoted radical right.

Tell your friend, keep hope alive.
Two brothers’ journey to make a kidney transplant happen has taken them to the core of the national impasse between health care and immigration policies.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The truth will out. As is all too regularly clear, the Republican party has only one mission and that is NOT to work for the country or the American people. The only goal of the Republican party right now is to create as much turmoil and chaos possible, thinking this will improve their chances in 2012. We just are not that dumb and the time has come to stop putting up with it.

Over the weekend, John Boehner supported a compromise extension of the payroll tax cut, which was passed by a vote of 89 to 10 in the Senate with a majority of Republican Senators supporting it. Suddenly, now Boehner is doing anything he can to defeat the measure. Honest real problem, or simple games? Pretty obvious.

The games must stop, the increased partisanship and disruptive politics is coming overwhelmingly from the right. Call Boehner's office, let them know how you feel, tell him to quit the games and get back to working for the people. Here is a number to his DC office, (202) 225-6205

Monday, December 19, 2011

Doesn't matter that Romney has made millions and is worth millions. Good for him, he is a smart guy and has every right build a business. Unfortunately, the problem is that he does not seem to get that he should not also get beneficial treatment, pay lower tax rates and work the system all while claiming he so cares about public service. A few more dollars in taxes could not possibly change how he does business or invests but a few more dollars in taxes for those making 8 and 9 figure salaries would make a difference to the country.

Great article in the NYT today about Mitt's business deal with his "prior" partners.

Maybe I have been wrong and facebook can be used for something important. Forward this to your friends, support the cause with your time, your money, your efforts.
Mitt Romney’s retirement deal with Bain Capital has been worth millions of dollars each year since 1999.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

ask yourself:

1) Should all people (including women) be able to decide, with their doctor, what care and procedures are in their own best interests and morally acceptable or should a small group of legislators and judges be allowed to dictate and impose a radical set of religious beliefs on everyone.

2) Should all people have equal access to heath care, the judiciary, social services, social programs or should these only be available to those best able to afford them.

3) Should all people have equal access to the the voting booth or should the political parties use the 10 year census to manipulate redistricting and use the legislative system to create barriers to voting such as mandated voter ID cards.

4) Should all people have the same opportunity to succeed financially and achieve the American dream or should the tax system be used to increase the disparity between the rich and the poor.

The choice seems amazingly clear. Defend the constitution or help the radical right destroy it.

Maybe I have been wrong and facebook can be used for something important. Forward this to your friends, support the cause with your time, your money, you efforts.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich took in $1.6 million is fees from Freddie Mac and described this amount as being for his services providing "historical perspective". He now claims that he earned the money over a period of 6 years and that it was mostly used for overhead of 3 offices he maintained and "other things that didn't go directly to" him. Clearly he did not maintain 3 offices if they were not profitable. Let's assume that 2/3 of Gingo's gross income was spent for overhead and other expenses. This would still leave his share of the Freddie Mac income at $500,000 over 6 years. That is not bad $88,889 per year just for this single lobbying job (oh, sorry, historian position. In 2010, the median household income in the US was just over $49,000, so Newt's Freddie Mac income alone was just about 2 times the national median household income.

Yet somehow, even with this income and his net worth in excess of $6.7 million, Newt must find it hard to get by or why else would he be pushing for a lower marginal tax rate of just 15% for the highest earners and ZERO TAX, yeah ZERO TAX on capital-gains, dividends, and interest. His radically distorted views of human rights, women's rights, gay rights, immigration policy, etc just ain't enough, we also have to face the potential economic calamity of his proposed fiscal policy.

In full disclosure, yes, I somehow find myself way up in the charts of lucky Americans who would be positively affected by these idiotic tax plans of Newt's. Please don't lower my tax rates. Hell, feel free to raise the rate on my passive income (qualified dividends, long term capitol gains, etc) from the ridiculous Bush rate of 15%. Does anyone honestly think that if capitol gains were taxed at 20%, investment would really be affected. Come on, I don't think so. By the way, Romney has stated that his income of ever $10 million last year was derived from dividends, interest and capitol gains. Under the Newt plan Mitt would pay no tax at all, none, zero, nada, nothing, zilch.

Here is a link to an interesting article on Gingo written by Robert Reich, not a flyweight in the field of public policy and economics. Really scary.

Tomorrow, Romney's estimated net worth of over $200 million and how he thinks can "fix' the economy. Unless he changes his mind between now and then.

Maybe I have been wrong and facebook can be used for something important. Forward this to your friends, support the cause with your time, your money, you efforts.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I hate to go all serious, but he time has come. I watched the republican debate last night and every last one of them is crazy as batshit (I don't have a clue what that expression really means, but it works for these assholes)

First thing zany newt would do is shut half the courts (he says, hell we don't need them anyway and he doesn't like their rulings.) Then he would end every single abortion, "de-fund" Planned Parenthood" and use the money to promote adoption.

First thing bumbling Perry would do is send the congress home and cut their salaries. According to him, we don't need them and the congress should be a part time job. Second thing he would do would be to enlarge the military, because that is what the American people "want"

First thing Romney would do is change his mind over what the first thing he would do would be. The second thing he would do would be deny that he changed it in the first place except when he was saying that he had changed because he had matured. The third thing he would do would be to find out the best way to get reelected 4 years later and then he would actually do that thing. He now says that because he has matured he believes that all abortions are wrong and that even using an embryo for research is killing.

First thing Bachman would do, well lets not even think about that one.

Oh yeah and all of the candidates think Alito is a great supreme court justice, does anyone need to hear more than that?

Bottom line, whether you agree or disagree with their political positions, it seems impossible not to see that every one of them would destroy anything that "w" bush has not already destroyed. This group of candidates is bigoted, biased, radical, extreme, intolerant, homophobic, and, and, and.

Tell your friends, give your financial support, get ready for a war of morals next year. The morals of real Americans who support the Constitution, who believe in equality in all areas, who believe in protecting those less able to protect themselves (the Democrats) and the elitist, bigoted, reactionary, self-serving, religious zealots, radical right (the republicans.) bush's 8 years in office devastated the constitution, one more run at the judiciary by any of the republican class of 2012 spells doom for us all.