Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Following my post of this morning I received the following reply:

"Nice rant but you didn't answer the question. Are you better off then 4 years ago? Is the country? Can't keep using gwb. He is long gone......", 

I thought I had clearly answered the question,  but did so again and here is my reply:

Yep,  I am a hell of a lot better off. 

1) The economy is better than GWB left it.
2) Society is better off ("Don't Ask-Don't Tell is gone, marriage equality is increasing). 
3) International relations are improving; the US is no longer the laughing stock of the world; we are slowing extracting ourselves from the idiotic wars that GWB (oops there he is again) got us into).
4) Health care is available to ALL Americans.

You can say that these do not effect me but each and every one of them do. If everyone of us is better then so am I. This is the entire difference between the right and the left. The right only seems to care about themselves,  the left believes that what benefits the least of society will benefit all of society.

nuf said

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