Friday, September 21, 2012

Yesterday, Linda McMahon said that she and her husband did not know who the creditors from her 1976 bankruptcy were and "could not find the documents". After a New London paper found the documents, she and her husband are "reaching out" to their creditors.

Linda, suddenly feels it is "the right thing to do" to pay her creditors in full, spending approximately $1 million dollars. Remember that Linda spent $55 MILLION of her own money in her last Senatorial run and will spend well over $10 MILLION in this run.

The $1 million in restitution is:
Less than 2% of her campaign expenses
Less than 1/4% of her net worth
Oh,and less than 15% of the $7 million she might save per year in the tax reductions she proposes if elected.

My response to Linda "liar liar pants on fire", you are not doing the right thing because it is right, you are doing it because it is expedient and you got busted.

nuf said

Monday, September 17, 2012

There you go again:

"There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them." Mitt Romney,  Sept 16,  2012. Further "I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives". 

Hey Mitt,  I am one of the 47% who will certainly be voting for Obama. , 

1) You are absolutely correct,   I am dependant on Government. For security,  safety,  taking care of those who need assistance. I am dependent on Government to provide society with stability,  a legal and governmental system whose policies are balanced and protect all,  even those in the minority.

2) You are wrong,  I do not believe I am a victim,  I don't know many Americans who think they are victims. In my experience,  the most needy among us are the hardest workers striving to move away from government assistance., 

3) Every American is already entitled to health care,  anyone can walk into an Emergency Room and be treated without fear of being turned away due to inability to pay. I think a better system would require everyone to participate, to the best of their abilities, in fairly paying for the health care system not just for their own personal health care. This is called insurance or Romneycare or Obamacare. Yes, I also believe that every person in the world is entitles to food. I won't even bother to justify this.

4) Fuck you Mitt. I take plenty of personal responsibility, PLEASE raise my taxes, please let me contribute more to society. 

Mitt, too much said but thanks for being honest.

nuf said

Friday, September 7, 2012

Question for the day "Would you be better off in 4 years under an Obama Presidency or under a Romney Presidency. Answer seems obvious, 4 more years please.

nuf said

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tonight as I watch the Democratic convention I think of an editorial from Le Monde on Sept 12, 2011written by Jean-Marie Colombani "In this tragic moment, when words seem so inadequate to express the shock people feel, the first thing that comes to mind is this: We are all Americans! "

Tonight as I watch the convention the first thing that comes to my mind is to say "I am Hispanic, I am Gay, I am a Woman, I am an African-American." I want to say it NOW in solidarity with these Americans, I want to say it before there is a chance that we have a tragic moment of Romney/Ryan taking power and hurting each and every one of these groups.

People and society matter. Obama's support of the "Dream Act" is compassionate, pragmatic and fair. Obama's architecture of the Affordable Health Care Act is compassionate, pragmatic and fair. Obama's position on marriage equality is compassionate, pragmatic and fair. Obama's support of a woman's right to choose is compassionate, pragmatic and fair. Clearly I don't need to address how Romney would handle each of these issues.

nuf said

Following my post of this morning I received the following reply:

"Nice rant but you didn't answer the question. Are you better off then 4 years ago? Is the country? Can't keep using gwb. He is long gone......", 

I thought I had clearly answered the question,  but did so again and here is my reply:

Yep,  I am a hell of a lot better off. 

1) The economy is better than GWB left it.
2) Society is better off ("Don't Ask-Don't Tell is gone, marriage equality is increasing). 
3) International relations are improving; the US is no longer the laughing stock of the world; we are slowing extracting ourselves from the idiotic wars that GWB (oops there he is again) got us into).
4) Health care is available to ALL Americans.

You can say that these do not effect me but each and every one of them do. If everyone of us is better then so am I. This is the entire difference between the right and the left. The right only seems to care about themselves,  the left believes that what benefits the least of society will benefit all of society.

nuf said
"Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

This is the pathetic lament that the Republican party is now trying to con voters with. Forget the lies that they trot out and let's looks look at just one single answer. 

"Are you better off than you were four years ago?" 
 YES, GWB is gone and the extremist right does not control the executive and legislative branches of the government. (Unfortunately, the Bush legacy of the politicization and rabid right control of the Supreme Court will last indefinitely).

Now the real questions:

Will you be better off four years from now if extremists like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney were allowed to gain the power they are seeking? 

Will you be better off with a third attempt at the failed policy of "trickle down economics"?  

Will you be better off if the government takes control of your health care? The reality is that it is the Republican who want to tell you what medical care you may or may not get. They claim the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act is government intrusion, what the hell would they call banning all?

Will you be better off if Medicare is terminated and Social Security "privatized"?

Will you be better off if same sex marriage is banned. 

I can think of no way in which we would be better off four years from now if President Obama is not reelected.

nuf said