Thursday, August 9, 2012

My father is in his 70s and for about 10 years has said that he fears that his generation would be the last in America to live better than their parents. I, and I think most Americans, would be happy to live as well as our parents. What terrifies me is that I fear mine is the last generation to live in a country and society with the morals and ethics that this country was founded on and which made it the success that it is. Social equality, fiscal fairness, civil rights, religious rights. These and so much more, are what made this country the land of opportunity and respect that my father talks about.

The "Tea Party" is willing to destroy anything and everything to make some bizarre point rather than working to solve some serious and real problems. Even worse, the just plain "radical right" is willing to pander to these ultra right wing zealots in order to win elections. Hopefully even the moderately right wing will not tolerate this and Obama will easily win reelection. (If he were like GWB, he could claim a victory by even 1 vote meant a broad mandate, but that is another discussion.)

As the election nears, it becomes more and more critical to do anything and everything to make sure that those few truly undecided voters see what the real difference is between "Liberals" and "Conservatives." These voters need to see what the left would do to protect and preserve the rights of all; they need to see that the left would work to stop the wealth gap from growing and to reduce the deficit with reasonable cuts and tax increases; they need to see that health care for ALL means just that, they need to see that taxation must be fair. They also must be shown the failure of Reagan and Bush's "trickle down economy", they must be shown how their civil rights and liberties would be trampled if Romney were elected, they must be shown how the paranoia and partisanship of the radical right will destroy everything this country has been built upon.

Sorry if this sounds melodramatic, but just look at what the right had done in the past 12 years since GWB was first inaugurated. First 8 years of Bush presidency and then 4 years of the right obstructing any meaningful governance. The most significant impact of these 12 years is the Bush Supreme Court legacy and I cannot imagine anything worse that could have been done.

nuf said.

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