Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Following Tod Akin's insane comments about rape and abortion last weekend, the Republican party again appears poised to put on its platform a position that bans all abortions, including those for victims of rape and incest.

On MSNBC today, RNC Chair Reince Priebus called it just "details" as to whether such victims should be allowed to have an abortion. I wonder if he would feel the same if it were a family member of his that needed an abortion. One would have to assume Priebus would suddenly support an abortion for such a family member who had a heath need or was the victim of a crime that caused a pregnancy.

Priebus also stated that he believed the majority of American women supported an absolute ban on abortion. He ended by saying that even if some women disagreed with the Republican platform position on a total ban on abortion, they would still vote for the Republican party as abortion was really not that large a part of the their decision making.

Remember, this is the party of Romney and Ryan.


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