Wednesday, August 29, 2012

At the Republican convention yesterday, Ann Romney said “You may not agree with Mitt’s positions on issues or his politics, But let me say this to every American who is thinking about who should be our next president: No one will work harder. No one will care more.”

Isn't that saying that he will "work harder" and "care more" to accomplish all those things you disagree with? What a selling point. Vote for the guy you disagree with because he is a hard worker.

Obviously Ann was pandering to female voters. But, just think about what she said, Mitt will work harder to ban abortion, Mitt will work harder to destroy President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act, Mitt will work harder to cut welfare, Mitt will work harder to LOWER taxes for the very wealthy. The truth is that a higher percentage of woman than men will need the protections of the Affordable Health Care Act.  A higher percentage of women and children need welfare. A lower percentage of American women are in the highest tax bracket. And yes, a higher percentage of women than men will need access to abortions. 

The Republicans can trot out all the women they want to claim Mitt will work hard, the problem is that they cannot trot out any one who can say that Mitt will work hard for women.

nuf said

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