Sunday, June 10, 2012

What do Texas and Florida have in common? (not just that they each had a dumbass governor named Bush)

They each have laws allowing private citizens to choose to go into a situation armed, act in a threatening manner, create a conflict, claim fear and then kill without any legal responsibility.

In a trial underway in Houston, defendant Paul Rodriguez claims that it was within his rights to go to his neighbor's house carrying a gun because he did not like the volume of music at the neighbors party. Rodriquez then spent 22 minutes videotaping his confrontation and calling 911. Twenty two minutes, the length of an entire episode of the Simpsons. Twenty two minutes, the length of time it takes an out of shape senior citizen to walk over a mile. Twenty two minutes is a hell of a long time and not once in that time did Rodriguez turn around and go home. He escalated the matter and shot 3, killing one man. Now his defense team is using the Texas equivalent of "Stand Your Ground".

This is where the right seems to want to take the country  -  jump all over the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution and claim the right to shoot one another rather than just walking away.

nuf said and just plain enough

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