Friday, March 9, 2012

A couple thousand years ago, the population of the earth was roughly 200 million. There was a nice guy, okay a really really nice guy,  who was a paradigm of selflessness and kindness. His teachings were inspirational and a variety of fan clubs were formed to honor his life.

Unfortunately for the past 2000 years these fan clubs have fought war after war against each other and killed millions just because they were not a member of the right club. Roughly 500 years ago an inquisition began that lasted over 300 years with the sole goal of forcing the beliefs of one fan club on the disbelievers. As recently as 60 years ago, 6 MILLION human beings were exterminated because one crazy zealot and his supporters did not think theirs was the right fan club.

Today, zealots around the world try to push their club upon third world countries and the less educated. In India, China and Africa, the beliefs of these fan clubs cause untold misery upon women by refusing to support health care initiatives that would better the lives of these women.

And now,  all of the Republican Presidential candidates claim to be guided by one or more of these fan clubs. They claim that they support each other's fan clubs and believe that while their fan club is the "right" one, the other fan clubs are kind of, sort of okay. They pronounce that this country and its population should be guided by the belief of the fan clubs that follow a 2,000 year old nice man. Thanks, but I think the Constitution separates the operation and decisions of government from the beliefs of fan clubs.

Nuf said.

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