Friday, December 14, 2012

After last months elections I thought enough had been said and that I could (at least for a while) retire what James would call my "rants". But today's shooting in CT reminds me that we cannot sit back and let the radical elements of society go unchecked and unchallenged.

There is no rational excuse to hide behind the 2nd Amendment for the un-infringed right to own military style semi-automatic pistols with large volume ammo clips.

But for the sake of argument, why not stop fighting the Constitutionality of gun control under the 2nd Amendment and work to change the Constitution. Why not just seek an amendment allowing for reasonable gun control. What rational and reasonable person would vote against such an amendment? Let the NRA and the radical right show their true colors. Put it to the people, isn't this what the radical right would claim they want? Yep, the country will split on this issue just like on so many others, but one has to hope that enough Americans are sick and tired of un-infringed gun ownership and will vote to see that events like today's shooting are stopped.

not enough said

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