Friday, December 21, 2012

I sit here just days away from the end of the year, a time of the year full of celebrations and holidays and I cannot believe how sad and disgusted I am with today's NRA press conference and last night's radical right obstruction of government.

 These 2 events are so clearly tied together. How have we come to the point in our society that a small fringe element can control and harm all of us. How can a tiny section of Washington be so powerful and rabid that their renegade behavior is in opposition to even their own party. And then, in both cases the victim is blamed. The Republican party now tries to claim that it will be the White House's fault if no agreement is reached and the NRA claims that had there been MORE guns the hands of the public,  the many recent mass shootings would not have occurred.

Does any rational person believe that the solution to violent gun crime is to arm principals and teachers?   Does anyone out there really think that we should put an armed guard in every school. Should every theater usher have a gun? How about every fast food cashier, there have been mass shootings in movie theaters and fast food joints.

Does anyone out there think that with our current deficit, raising taxes on those earning more than $1 million dollars a year is a bad thing? First $250,000 would not fly, then $400,000. Now the Republican party feels the need to protect those taking home more than an even cool million per year. Their argument that greater tax of these high earners will harm the economy is nonsense. Every single non-partisan unbiased look at the deficit agrees that a blend of higher taxes and lower spending is the only solution.

How long will Americans continue to tolerate such behaviors in the public or private sectors?

not enough said

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An open message to John Boehner. FUCK YOU

clearly not enough has been said (oh wait, it has been said by the people over and over and over and yet Boehner does not hear it)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Please elect me President of the NRA.

I just joined the NRA. Seriously, I did. For $35 a year, I can receive all of their mail, read all their writings and most importantly vote in their (or should I say my) association's elections.

Rather than trying to fight with the NRA and change their positions from the outside, maybe a couple million Americans with common sense should join and at this year's annual meeting nominate our own slate and elect a board that will respond to the desires and interests of the new NRA majority. I'll be happy to be NRA President if that will help move the country towards sanity.

not enough said

Friday, December 14, 2012

After last months elections I thought enough had been said and that I could (at least for a while) retire what James would call my "rants". But today's shooting in CT reminds me that we cannot sit back and let the radical elements of society go unchecked and unchallenged.

There is no rational excuse to hide behind the 2nd Amendment for the un-infringed right to own military style semi-automatic pistols with large volume ammo clips.

But for the sake of argument, why not stop fighting the Constitutionality of gun control under the 2nd Amendment and work to change the Constitution. Why not just seek an amendment allowing for reasonable gun control. What rational and reasonable person would vote against such an amendment? Let the NRA and the radical right show their true colors. Put it to the people, isn't this what the radical right would claim they want? Yep, the country will split on this issue just like on so many others, but one has to hope that enough Americans are sick and tired of un-infringed gun ownership and will vote to see that events like today's shooting are stopped.

not enough said