Friday, February 3, 2012

Okay Obama, your turn.

Yes, go to the National Prayer Breakfast and speak as "citizen" Obama, just don't pray and preach as "President" Obama. This country is supposed to lead the world in the separation of church and state, the minute you use your position as President to tie the country to religious positions you harm this separation.

With regards to your speech:

1)  Please stop the "ChirstianJewishMuslim we are all the same" crap. Decisions on foreign aid, atrocities in Africa and human trafficking should not be based on religion, they should be based on right and wrong. Simple empirical human actions of doing the right thing. You really should not need a religion to tell you that human trafficking is wrong and that working to stop atrocities in Africa is the right thing to do. If you did not have "the biblical call" would you act differently?

2) You describe "God's command to "love thy neighbor as thyself"" as being "found in every major religion.... from Hinduism to Islam to Judaism to the writings of Plato." Similar sentiment can be found in communist doctrine, atheism and probably voodoo and devil worship. But again, this has nothing to do with your position as president nor should it have anything to do with the decisions you make as President.

3)  It is not our obligation to help other because some zealot 2000 years ago said (and YOU paraphrase) “for unto whom much is given, much shall be required" any more than it is our obligation to help those who need help because in 1875 Karl Marx said "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Funny how Marx, the most anti-religious of communists, sounds just like a biblical prophet. It is our obligation to help those who need help because they need help and it is the right and human thing to do.

4) The Billy Graham that you fawn over in your speech is the same Billy Graham who blamed AIDS on gods judgement (well, before he retracted that statement,) the same Graham who is opposed to gay marriage, assisted suicide and anything else that might actually sound like good old christian compassion and non-judgmental feelings. Who died and made Graham the arbiter of every one's moral compass? Oh wait, he would tell you jesus did and he (Graham) get his info directly from the big guy himself. How can you speak so highly of a man who, using his religious beliefs, harmed so very many. I strongly defend Grahams right to his religious beliefs, but I sure as hell don't have to respect him for them.

I won't live long enough to see a President or even Presidential candidate admit to being an Agnostic, let alone an Atheist. I don't think I will even live long enough to see the day when a President will leave his personal religious biases at the door, but that does not mean I cannot also speak up about how I feel.

nuf said is probably inaccurate,  too much said 

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