Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Republican Hypocrisy

In 2005 GWB was President and the Republican party controlled the Senate. When Democratic Senators used their rights to block Bush nominees with procedure, the Right threatened to shut down the entire government.  Their threatened "nuclear option" was only averted by the "The Gang of 14"  which negotiated an agreement requiring "up or down" votes on high level judicial nominations except in cases of "extraordinary circumstances". (At that time, I thought that the Democrats should have allowed the Republican party to act on their threats and show the world what they really were, but that is neither here nor there. )

Now that there is a Democratic President and a Democratically controlled Senate, the Republicans party sees things quite differently.  Suddenly anything they stall using procedure is suddenly "extraordinary". Today's blocked confirmation of Caitlin Halligan is yet another example of the Rights's arrogance and utter disregard for the people of this country.

While the many logjams in Washington are incredibly discouraging, the time has come to stop negotiating with the right. At some point their abusive behavior must stop. Any short term pain is infinitely better than allowing the right to destroy this country.

nuf said